

Invaluable support.  Insight.  Peace of mind.  These are some of the words I use to describe Lucia’s role in the college application process of my son.  She went out of her way to get to know him, identify schools that would be a good match and set realistic goals, both academically and financially.  As a parent, I sometimes felt like I was on a roller coaster ride…choosing a college can be an overwhelming and daunting task, but knowing that Lucia had our best interests in mind kept me grounded.  Gracias, gracias, gracias! – CECILIA CASTRO CARATINI, STUDENT

We have thought about you a lot these passing days. We have had celebration after celebration: achievement night, graduation, prom, violin concerts, etc. Now, looking back at these memories, we prepare for the next step: Maria Julia entering college, her moving to another country, and the thousand opportunities that she will find from now on. Her future starts now, and without a doubt I can say it is a luminous one.
We owe much of this to you. You weren’t just a very important support in terms of your accurate and adequate advice, which took into consideration Maria Julia’s temperament and strengths, but also during the whole process of analysis and selection of colleges, of exploration of opportunities. Maria Julia grew, she developed, and she gained confidence in herself that she didn’t have before.
Communicating with you was easy for her, knowing that her doubts would be well attended and your counseling would be the most adequate. This whole process of writing so many essays and preparing so many documents was made fluid and successful by your guidance and your accretive advice, always on time. After working with you, Maria Julia is more prepared to face any challenge from now on. Today we can say, with much joy, that Maria Julia received a lot of offers from various colleges and she’s going to study to her first choice. Thank you for all of your work, since in big measure the result is because of it. From the achievements Maria Julia has in the future, a part is always going to be owed to you. Your support in this whole process, from the simplest transactions to the most complex, and your availability at any hour were determinant in achieving Maria Julia’s acceptance into the college she wanted. Needless to say, you are in our list of favorite people and we always think of you with much love.” – MARIA SOLEDAD MATOS, PARENT

Adriana Pérez, TASIS Dorado 2018, Notre Dame University

“La decisión de seleccionar la universidad a continuar los estudios es una de las principales decisiones que puede tomar un ser humano en su vida. Puedes pasar por el proceso de selección por tu cuenta lleno de frustaciones y adivinanzas, o preferir que un profesional te lleve de la mano. Por esta razón principalmente, decidimos contratar a Lucía Martín. Su experiencia y sus referencias hablaban por sí solas.
La dinámica se da entre Lucía y el estudiante. Los padres entramos en el proceso únicamente en la transportación del estudiante en sus citas semanales y obviamente en las consideraciones financieras cuando comienzan a llegar las aceptaciones de las universidades. Todo lo demás es entre ella y el estudiante. La química se dió desde el inicio. Posiblemente esta es la característica principal de Lucía, además de su paciencia y exigencia al estudiante.
Aún en este año peculiar por la situación de los Huracanes Irma y María, dentro de lo dificil que fue la falta de energía eléctrica, se cumplieron con las reuniones y con las metas que habían que cumplir con ensayos y fechas límites.También por la peculiaridad de los huracanes, las universidades en los Estados Unidos ofrecieron ceder los honorarios de solicitud. Por lo tanto, se solicitaron a casi quince (15) universidades. En el caso de Angélica, se recibieron aceptaciones y ayudas económicas de todas las universidades, excepto de una, la cual nos pusieron en la lista de espera. Otro dato importante, es que con la ayuda de Lucía, el estudiante descubre su potencial para entrar una universidad que tal vez no había considerado anteriormente dentro de su personalidad, aprovechamiento académico y expectativas financieras.
A principios de marzo visitamos la universidad que con mucha probabilidad ibamos a seleccionar. Luego esperamos que llegaran las aceptaciones que faltaban. Ya a mediados de abril habíamos seleccionado la universidad. Siempre estaré agradecido por el apoyo que Lucia le brindó a mi hija durante este proceso.” –JOEL SÁNCHEZ BERLINGERI, PADRE

“Hola Lucía! Imagino que Tori ya te ha ido diciendo de las aceptaciones. Para que sepas, el domingo va al overnight de Hampshire, el miércoles Bryn Mawr, jueves Sarah Lawrence y el otro lunes Goucher. Si mañana Wes le da un sí, pasamos por allí el martes. Delaware, Richmond e Elon no nos da tiempo visitarlas. Ya están más o menos descartadas.

Creo que estas que vamos a ver son el mejor “fit” para ella, y recibir becas ha sido una sorpresa muy bienvenida. De verdad agradezco el tiempo que dedicaste a identificar lugares que de verdad son buenos para ella. Valoramos tu trabajo mucho y estamos muy agradecidos. Esperamos que puedas ayudar a Thomas de la misma manera. ¡Ahora lo difícil será escoger!

Saludos, Karen y Tommy”

“A college acceptance letter or email may arrive quietly and with anonymity, but as parents we know that it has been carried a long distance by many people…our son received his acceptance letter from Dartmouth College, marking a great milestone in his young life — and pointing a light on a very promising future.

 We would like to especially recognize Lucia Martin, for her steady support and faithful optimism. She kept Daniel moving forward despite any obstacles. Her experience and commitment to Daniel’s best interests endured even when we as parents wavered or questioned her recommendations.

 It’s impossible for us to fully express our gratitude to Lucía for shepherding Daniel toward graduation and his life goals. When he met Lucia he was a typical young adolescent boy, with his share of uncertainties and awkwardness. With patience, mastery and love, Lucía… led Daniel through a long string of teachable moments and life-changing challenges. Lucía made this journey with us and we want to recognize her extraordinary job….” – JOSELY VEGA, PARENT

“It was a pleasure to work with Lucía because communication between us always felt direct and personal. Lucía would constantly strive to cater to who I am as a student and person overall. She always thought of what would be best for me and encouraged me to pursue challenging goals during both my Junior and Senior years in High School. She helped me forge the college path essential to my future career goals.” – LAURA PRADOS, STUDENT

“As the mother of Daniel E. Gonzalez Diaz, I’m deeply thankful to Lucia Martin. College Counselor Lucia Martin was crucial in the college readiness of my son. Lucia walked with Daniel all the prep road. She not only instructed him in the correct strategy to take advantage of the SAT and SAT subject test dates but also in which AP courses he should take including online alternatives. Lucia also advised Daniel which summer program in alignment with his skills he should complete to robust his high school experience prior application process of US universities. She prepared a list of universities based on Daniel’s interest and abilities that was a key component in the process of Daniel applying to several universities. As a result and thanks to Lucia’s support, Daniel had been accepted to MIT and Georgia Tech, two of the top three universities on his list. Definitely, Lucia is very knowledgeable and possess a high expertise in this field.” –LAURA DIAZPARENT

Hi Lucia,
As a family, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for helping Alexander this year. We can proudly announce his  college acceptances to NYU, Northeastern, Drexel, Stevens, Worcester Poly, and Ohio State.

We know that much of this would not have been possible without the support of the school and specifically the guidance he received from you. You give selflessly of yourself and spend a great deal of your time on the college process and we wanted to let you know that we are eternally grateful for your commitment.

As you can imagine, Alexander went through a great deal of change this year and these college acceptances are a great achievement. However, we are most proud of his spirit and resiliency. Thank you so much for believing in him and for helping him achieve his potential. In the final analysis, this move and the sacrifices it entailed will all have been well worth it.

Thank you.
Rebeca, Eugene, and Alexander

“Lucia is the reason I ended up at Lehigh University. As a junior I had no idea what Lehigh was and it was through Lucia’s guidance that I found it. No one at my high school’s guidance office had heard of this small school in Pennsylvania so I am lucky Lucia pushed me to visit it and apply. My time at Lehigh was the best four years of my life and I know it was the best school for me. I would have never found it had it not been for her. She knows how to find the best school for a person’s particular situation and that is hard to come by.” – GABY MORERA, STUDENT